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The Smell of Breakfast

I can easily be swept up in the moment. I have my running lists of what needs to get done, who needs to be where, and when the dog needs to go out. I wait for weeks for this particular moment to arrive. Yet, after, I am left feeling like a comet whizzed by me while I stood on the side of the road not knowing what the hell just happened and I have to catch my breath.

It is sort of like your wedding day. I think everyone gets the same advice from some friend or family memeber that has gone before you. The advice being, at some point during the reception take a minute to breathe and feel the moment. Instead of wondering who you need to thank or if the DJ is playing music suited for the grandparents, you should just take a good look around the room at all the people who came together to celebrate your love. Take it in. Experience it fully. With all your senses.

It's pretty awesome if you remember to do it. I did and it was just that, awesome.

But why just at our wedding receptions? That is a very cool moment but, marriage, and life, are what happens every darn day. Not just at the massive expensive party when we are wearing a white gown.

I want to breathe in and take in my life. Every darn day.

However, I am human and, in being human, I simply forget. On my own I do not remember to look at around and take it in.

My family was visiting this weekend. We had my parents, my sister, and my husband's brother. None of them had coordinated with one another. They just all happened to be free and wanted to come see us. We miss these crazy people so much that we didn't think twice. The more the merrier.

I anticipated this weekend like I always do. Psyched to just be with them.

Then the weekend begins and, with that, the running begins. Where to go, who needs what, what is for dinner, yada, yada, yada....

It could easily pass by if I don't remember to breathe.

This morning I said a quick prayer as I did some of that running around. I simply asked God to help me have a fully aware wedding reception moment.

I kid you not, I was hit with the what was going around me, especially the smells, almost immediately.

I was in the kitchen with my sister making breakfast. My mom was with my girls laughing at the kitchen table and Andy was on the couch drinking coffee with my dad and his brother. Also laughing.

The smell of a big, house full of family, made with love breakfast. I took this in people. I soaked it up. I breathed in the coffee, the bacon, the pumpkin waffles and that frittata like nobody's business.

It smelled like comfort, ease, fullness, fall, beauty, family, and giggles.

It was the smell of Love.

The comet


didn't whizz pass me this morning. In fact, that thing stopped right in front of me so I could admire the heck out of it.

That baby shined.

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